Nak bercuti atau mengembara ke luar negara tak semestinya kena tunggu bila dah kerja. Rajin menyimpan dan bekerja ketika cuti semester, menjadi salah satu cara buat seorang pelajar yang dikenali sebagai Muhd Fiwaz, 19 tahun untuk merealisasikan impian travel solo ke beberapa negara Eropah.
Menurut Fiwaz dua minggu tempoh pengembaraannya ke barat Eropah meninggalkan kenangan manis untuknya yang pertama kali membuat trip secara solo.
Bijak dalam menguruskan perbelanjaan sepanjang tripnya, dengan RM6500 yang disimpan ketika bekerja semasa cuti semester ikuti perkongsian pelajar ini yang telah jejakkan kaki ke enam negara di Eropah Barat dalam trip solonya!
Solo Western Europe Trip (15 days 14 nights)
(26/6 – 11/7)
Germany – Belgium – France – Scotland- England – Greece (Transit Italy & Saudi Arabia)
Assalamualaikum warga B.B.M, harini saya nak share about my trip last week which was the best 2 weeks in my life so far, alhamdulillah. Thank you so much to all the warga B.B.M. yang tolong answer all my questions prior to the trip, this was my first ever solo trip, as a 19 years old, it was quiet scary at first. This is my first time buat budget & itiniari so saya minta maaf kalau macam tak complete.
So I travel mode touch-n-go sebab for me I just nak tengok the city and experience the city and usually 2 day is enough for a city for me.
Saudi Airlines (RM1800) (Original price was 2100 but Traveloka buat promo cuti raya, so I dapat RM300 discount)
26/6: Arrived in Frankfurt, Germany. Totally exhausted from the journey so i just walked around the city and explore the area.
27/6: I made the journey to Burg Eltz, wallpaper PC i dari 2018. Place that i really nak pergi, I guna 9-euro ticket so the whole time in Germany, i only use this. Actually tak cramped with people pun for my experience.
28/6: I arrived in Brussels at 6AM from an overnight bus ride and just walked across Brussels, by 8PM i took a bus to Paris. Brussels was genuinely lovely and i obviously regret spending so little time there.
29/6: Went to visit the mainstream site like Eiffel, Louvre and stuff. Plan nak masuk Louvre and dah beli the ticket but even skip the line ticket time tu panjang gila and panas terik so i just skipped it.
30/6: Spent the day walking around Paris, visit Notre Dame and sipping coffee here and there. (Paris was horrible and never want to go there again) Malam tu i took a flight to Edinburgh, Scotland with EasyJet.
1/7: Edinburgh was magical, pagi tu i pergi Dean’s Village and duduk situ je berjam-jam because cantik and indah sangat. Lepastu pergi Natinal Scottish Modern Art Gallery 1&2. Malam tu just enjoy Edinburgh.
2/7: Pergi Dean’s Village lagi but after that I pergi hiking sikit to Arthur’s Seat dengan alah ada satu bukit lagi satu orang hike, tapi I cari tak jumpa nama bukit tu. Opposing Arthur’s Seat.
3/7: I spent the entire day just doing the same thing sebab best sangat, Dean’s Village dengan Hiking.
4/7: I did a little shopping during the day for my medieval stuff collection and then malam tu get ready to take an overnight bus to London.
5,6,7,8: Of course London biasala, did some shopping, cliche tourist site, Museums and then just spend time banyak dekat Underground because suka tengok Londoners so organized using their public transport. Pergi Cambridge and Oxford as well. Malam 8/7 I ambik flight ke Athens transit kat Milan, Italy. I flew RyanAir.
9/7: Dah sampai Athens, naik Acropolis tengok parthenon. Panas woiii tapi best sangat. and then spent the entire day running from pickpockets.
10/7: Siap untuk fly back to Malaysia.
11:7: After 8 hours transit in Jeddah, sampai Malaysia!!!
Saudi Airlines
EasyJet (+ 10KG Cabin)
Paris (CDG) – Edinburgh (EDI) : RM306
RyanAir (+10KG CABIN)
London (STD) – Milan (BEG) -Athens (ATH): RM560
3 Overnight bus each ticket around RM100: RM300
Transport within city: RM318 (I mostly walk)
Total: RM3284
disebabkan 3 overnight bus, I only have accomodations for 11 night. I mostly duduk ABNB on the city outskirts sebab i prioritize personal space and kitchen.
Germany (abnb): RM176
Paris (abnb): RM153x2
Scotland (Castle Rock Hostel): RM102x3
London (abnb) RM150x4
Athens (abnb) RM240
Total: RM1628
Makanan: I tak ingat precisely but because i always cook, kadang2 buy a packet of pasta (£0.90) and Bolognese sauce (£1.85) and masak can eat for whole day in peti ais or bungkus tuppaware some days i just buy Tesco meal deal. So on average i spent £10/€10 on food a day.
Total: £70 + €70: RM678
Shopping: RM501
Unknown: RM400 (sbb saya taktau RM400 ni pegi mana, maybe tickets and exhibitions. saya tak sure price dia so saya letak unknown)
TOTAL OVERALL:RM6500 plus minus.
sekian hasil dari duit dari kerja tealive time cuti semester dengan kumpul duit belanja.
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